Once the LCBO has issued a purchase order for a product, the agent or supplier may start approaching store managers directly to encourage them to order the product.
The typical process is as follows:
Step 1: Let the store manager know ahead of time that you want to meet to discuss a new product.
Step 2: Give him/her a completed New Product Information Sheet for each product well before the meeting.
Step 3: At the meeting, be prepared to review the sheet and discuss the product's benefits to the store's selection.
Step 4: The store manager will review and analyze the information package and go into further detail with you in person. The manager will decide whether or not to carry the new product based on factors such as how well it fits into the store's portfolio, performs in other local stores, and on the Trade's marketing plans.
Step 5: The manager will give you a verbal or written decision within seven days.
Trade Visit Playbook
Here are some helpful tools to help plan a store visit once your product has been approved and a purchase order has been issued.