e-Commerce Program Components:
Virtual Experiences

How It Works
Events and experiential programs are powerful tools that enable discovery, trial and conversion.Our virtual event program offers the same benefits while also allowing for enhanced storytelling to a broader audience.We’re excited to continue to offer virtual events as a core component of our experiential programs.
Virtual experiences allow us to:
- Educate customers on product information, category trends, and inspired ideas in a friendly, helpful and accessible manner
- Encourage discovery and trial of new and interesting products; and help drive in-store/eCommerce sales in doing so
- Build customer loyalty by serving seasonally relevant content to our valued customers
NOTE: This is an Excel Applied Promotional Program. Please apply by completing the Excel Application Form before the deadline.
What's Included
On lcbo.com:
- Virtual Events Program Image Box on Homepage
- Placement on the LCBO Virtual Events Page
- Dedicated ‘product reel’ on events page featuring products in the event
- Dedicated social post driving to Virtual Events Page; streaming of event on LCBO social platforms or another streaming platform
- All events are recorded and once completed, posted to LCBO’s YouTube Channel
- Adigital playlist spot at the new flagship Store 217’s Tasting Bar, for LCBO-Produced Virtual Experiences.
Pricing Information
- LCBO-Produced Virtual Experience: $11,600/Event
- 1 event per Period, up to 8 SKUs per event
- Supplier-Produced Virtual Experience: $3,500/Event
- 1 event per Period, up to 8 SKUs per event
- Trade Partners may also apply for placement in 217 digital screen for a charge of $1,600
*Production type for events are at the discretion of LCBO Marketing.
Priority consideration will be given to new & noteworthy product launches and gifts that have a unique story to tell and would benefit from a virtual experience.
Document Downloads
This is an Excel Applied Promotional Program. Please apply by completing the Excel Application Form before the deadline.
To apply, download the Application Form posted on the Promotional Calendar page, complete and return to your Category Partner by the noted deadline.