Booking Appointments
- *Deliveries will not be permitted to the Trillium facility without an appointment.
- *Appointment bookings can be placed up to 30 calendar days in advance.
- *For next day appointments, make the booking in Opendock by 2 PM within the timeslots available at that time. If you log on after 2 PM, there will be no available options for next day appointments.
- *Drivers cannot enter the yard more than 30 minutes early or more than 15 minutes late.
- *Dock door assignment is made upon arrival at the facility.
Checking In
2. Driver arrives at the Trillium facility (205 Speirs Giffen Ave) main gate at the scheduled appointment time. Driver cannot enter the yard more than 30 minutes early or more than 15 minutes late.
3. Driver stops at the gate and enters the guard house.
4. Driver provides the following to Trillium security:
- *Valid, government-issued photo identification
- *Bill of Lading (BOL) – complete, accurate and legible
- *Appointment Confirmation Number and Appointment Time
5. Trillium security assigns driver a dock number.
6. Driver must follow Trillium’s safety rules including:

- Safety vest required in the yard
- Safety boots required in the yard
- No Smoking in all indoor and outdoor areas of the facility
- No cell phone use in the yard or while driving
- Pedestrians have right of way; Pedestrians must follow the designated walkway
- No littering or dumping of any kind outside vehicle
- No pets outside vehicle
At the Dock
7. Driver proceeds to assigned dock number and stages vehicle in dock lane with paperwork ready.
8. Trillium staff meets driver, receives paperwork, chocks wheels, visually inspects trailer exterior for flat tires, holes in the walls, damaged landing gear, or other damage that will pose a risk to Trillium staff or product.
9. Trillium staff and driver both confirm cargo seal numbers against the BOL; Trillium staff removes and retains the seal.
10. Driver opens trailer doors, secures to trailer bulkheads and reverses into the dock. Driver shuts engine off.
- *Vehicle engine must remain off until cleared to leave by Trillium staff.
- *Driver can remain with their vehicle or in a waiting area inside the facility which can be accessed by entering through the entrance to the Shipping and Receiving Office. If driver enters the facility note Covid requirements: wear a mask; answer COVID-19 questionnaire; get a temperature check.
- *Note: if a trailer is unable to lock to the dock, the driver will be required to wait in the waiting area.
11. Trillium staff chocks wheels and installs vehicle safety features (eg gladhand lock)and engages dock lock. A red light illuminates to confirm trailer is locked.
- *No trailer or tractor movements permitted while red light conditions are present.
12. Trillium staff unloads vehicle.
- *Driver is not required to unload or sort product as this will be completed by Trillium staff
- *No unloading observations are required or permitted (Only discrepancies require driver acknowledgment)
- *Any discrepancies/load shifting/damage found are reported to the LCBO including any:
- - Defects identified during the inspection
- - Visible holes, pests, animal droppings, pooling of liquids, and unusual odors
- - Product or pallets that appear contaminated will not be accepted
- - Unsecured cargo without cargo straps, load bars, or airbags, etc
- - Drivers who fail to comply with Trillium policies and procedures
Checking Out
13. Trillium staff notifies driver once unload is complete and disengages the dock lock and removes vehicle safety features (eg gladhand lock).
14. Driver obtains an Exit Number/Gate Pass from the Shipping and Receiving office.
15. Driver starts vehicle and proceeds to the main gates while keeping trailer doors OPEN for inspection.
16. Driver provides the Exit Number/Gate Pass to Trillium security.
17. Trillium security inspects trailer to ensure load has been delivered. If contents remain inside, Trillium security enters the trailer and inspects the contents.
18. Once all cleared by Trillium security, driver secures vehicle and exits the yard.