Directions to Trillium facility

Map that shows direction to the Trillium facility at 205 Speirs Giffen Ave.


Directions from the ON-401:

  1. Take ON-410 N towards Brampton
  2. Take Mayfield Rd exit (exit 18)
  3. Turn Right onto Mayfield Rd
  4. Turn Left onto Dixie Rd
  5. Turn Left onto Abbotside Way
  6. Continue onto Speirs Giffen 
  7. Proceed to the Main Gates on the Left
  8. End at 205 Speirs Giffen Ave 


Trillium Facility Yard Map

Map that shows the layout of the Trillium facility yard. The facility is at the intersection of Speirs Giffen Avenue and Merchant Road. The Main Entrance for Inbound Carriers is located on Speirs Giffen Avenue. The Agent Gate Pickups/Returns is on Merchant Road. Behind the gate is the facility yard. If you turn right from the main entrance, there is the guard house. Opposite to the Guard House and along the facility side are the entrances to Shipping and Receiving Office. On the other side of the building are the Agent Docks Pickups / Returns, Agent Bullpen (Help), Building Entrance, and the Waiting Area.


Yard Safety Rules

  1. Safety vest required in the yard
  2. Safety boots required in the yard
  3. No Smoking in all indoor and outdoor areas of the facility
  4. No cell phone use in the yard or while driving
  5. Pedestrians have right of way; Pedestrians must follow the designated walkway
  6. No littering or dumping of any kind outside vehicle
  7. No pets outside vehicle

Vehicle Standards:

  1. Speeding Limit is 20 km/h
  2. No Idling: Pa Act 124; 5 mins/60 minute
  3. Tandems must be locked to rear; complete at Main Gate before entering the yard
  4. Vehicles and trailers must have brakes applied and all stabilizers in the correct position while parked and before loading and unloading
  5. Gladhand Lock and Jack Stands installed and removed by Trillium
  6. Wheel Chocks must be used while parked inside Docking Lane
  7. Vehicles must never be left unattended without ensuring both the vehicle and the trailer are securely braked, engine is off and key to the vehicle has been removed. Where appropriate, trailer landing gear should be lowered to the ground
  8. Report any leaks or damage to Main Gate Security immediately


Trillium COVID-19 Policy

In the Building

COVID-19 questionnaire is required 

  1. Have you had a fever in the last 24 hours?
  2. Have you had a recurring cough in the last 24 hours?
  3. Have you had difficulty breathing/tightness in your chest in the last 24 hours?
  4. Have you had a sore throat in the last 24 hours? 


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